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 Norwich Institute for English Language NILE

Professional Development, Methodology and Language Courses
for English Language Teachers

NILE offers a wide range of courses for teachers of English in Norwich. Courses have a variety of special focus areas, including ELT materials, methodology and management. They are designed to enable experienced teachers of English to extend their awareness and develop further skills in a range of areas. All our teachers´ courses have personal language improvement as a major objective.

For information on funding for European teachers of English, look here.

Please note: Courses after 13 July 2005 do not require a Comenius code

Course titleCourse codeCourse dates
Advanced Language, Materials and MethodologyALM1 NCH 2005
ALM2 NCH 2005
ALM3 NCH 2005
Comenius Ref UK-133-2002-03

ALM1 2005
ALM2 2005
ALM3 2005
ALM4 2005

20th – 31st January 2005
21st – 31st July 2005
6th – 17th October 2005


5th January -10th January 2005
2nd February - 13th February 2005
5th July - 16th July 2005
19th July - 30th July 2005

British Studies: Language, Literature and LifeBS1 2005
BS2 2005
BS3 2005
Comenius Ref UK-139-2002-03

BS1 2005
BS2 2005

6th—17th January 2005
7th—18th July 2005
18th—29th August 2005

5th July - 16th July 2005
23rd August - 3rd September 2005

Communicative Language Teaching and TestingCTT 1 2005
Comenius Ref UK-136-2002-03

CTT 2005

7th – 18th July 2005

5th July - 16th July 2005

From Key Principles to Best Practice in CLIL: Teaching English across the CurriculumLAC1 2005
LAC2 2005

LAC1 2005
LAC2 2005

4th – 15th August 2005
1st – 12th September 2005

19th July - 30th July 2005
30th August - 10th September 2005

Managing and Creativity in the English Language ClassroomMCT 1 2005
Comenius Ref UK-131-2002-03
7th – 18th July 2005
Multiple Intelligence and the Language ClassroomMIL 20052nd August - 13th August 2005
Making the Most of Mixed Level Classes for Teaching EnglishMIX 1 2005
MIX 2 2005
Comenius Ref UK-119-2002-03
20th – 31st January 2005
7th – 18th July 2005
Materials, Language and MethodologyMLM 1 2005
Comenius Ref UK-132-2002-03
3rd – 14th February 2005
Multimedia and New Technology in Language Education: Making Effective Use of the Net and the New TechnologyMNT 1 2005
MNT 2 2005
MNT 3 2005
Comenius Ref UK-124-2002-03
6th – 17th January 2005
7th – 18th July 2005
1st – 12th September 2005
Neuro-Linguistic Programming in the English Language ClassroomNLP 1 2005
NLP 2 2005
Comenius Ref UK-134-2002-03

NLP1 2005
NLP2 2005

3rd – 14th February 2005
21st – 31st July 2005

19th January - 30th January 2005
19th July - 30th July 2005

Principles and Practice of Teaching English to Primary Age LearnersPRIM 2005
Comenius Ref UK-137-2002-03
16th – 27th June 2005
Teaching Business English: Language, Materials and MethodsTEB1 2005
TEB2 2005
5th January - 16th January 2005
19th July - 30th July 2005
Teaching English to Young LearnersTYL 1 2005
TYL 2 2005
TYL 3 2005
Comenius Ref UK-122-2002-03

TYL1 2005
TYL2 2005
TYL3 2005
TYL4 2005
TYL5 2005
TYL6 2005

20th – 31st January 2005
7th – 18th July 2005
1st – 12th September 2005

19th January - 30th January 2005
14th June - 25th June 2005
5th July - 16th July 2005
19th July - 30th July 2005
2nd August - 13th August 2005
30th August - 10th September 2005

Testing Evaluation and AssessmentTEA 1 2005
TEA 2 2005
Comenius Ref UK-138-2002-03

TEA1 2005
TEA2 2005

20th – 31st January 2005
4th – 15th August 2005

19th January - 30th January 2005
2nd August - 13th August 2005

Using Computers and the Internet to Help Your TeachingUCT1 2005
UCT2 2005
UCT3 2005
5th January - 16th January 2005
19th July - 30th July 2005
30th August - 10th September 2005
For all 2- week courses, except NLP courses the fee is £500.00
The NLP course fee is £700.00

Payment in EUROS. From April 2002 payments may be made in Euros.

The course fees in Euros are:

For all 2- week courses, except NLP courses the fee is €750.00
The NLP course fee is

Course fees include:
tuition, materials and the standard social programme

MapaMapa 2




















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