Program kursu
| Przygotowanie korespondencji w biznesie | | S³ownictwo w biznesie, bankowo¶ci, handlu, import & eksport, finansach, ksiêgowo¶ci oraz administracji | | Piasnie listów oraz not do innych organizacj lub partnerów biznesowych | | Planowanie oraz przygotowywanie korespondencji biznesowych na podtsawie podanych informacji | | Przygotowywanie streszczeñ z informacji biznesowych | | Przygotowywanie raportów na podsatwie wykresów, tablic lub informacji statystycznych | | Gramatyka oraz pos³ugiwanie siê angielskim w konkretnych sytuacjach biznesowych. |
BTEC courses at the college are suited for vocational training with the emphasis on assignments, task work, individual and group presentations and project work. In this way BTEC courses are work related, and aim to assess the knowledge, understanding and skills of students on a continuous assessment basis. BTEC courses are highly regarded in Britain, The National Diploma in Business and Finance is an entry qualification to degree courses at university, equivalent to three GCE Advanced Level passes. The Higher National Diplomas and Certificates are regarded as pass degree equivalent. Professional Development courses in Marketing and Advertising, International Trade, Maritime and Management are specialist areas leading to qualifications which can be used for entry with advanced standing to degree, and, in some cases, postgraduate diploma courses. These qualifications also provide exemption from some professional examinations in similar subject areas. |