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Kursy angielskiego (English as a foreign language) prowadzone przez King Charles Education Centre odpowiednie s± dla kandydatów o stopniu zaawansowania od: pocz±tkuj±cego do zaawansowanego, którzy podczas swojego pobytu w Londynie pragn± zdawaæ egzaminy Cambridge b±d¼ poprawiæ ogólnie znajomo¶æ angielskiego. Szko³a dzia³a od 25 lat i charakteryzuje siê ¿yw± i dynamiczn± atmosfer±. W centrum prowadzone s± tez kursy przygotowuj±ce Anglików do matury, egzaminów gimnazjalnych etc. Zajêcia odbywaj± siê dwa razy w tygodniu (4 godziny). Szko³a oferuje równie¿ kursy wakacyjne (czerwiec/lipiec): umiejêtno¶æ porozumiewania siê w ¿yciu codziennym oraz przygotowanie do egzaminów Cambridge. Wszystkie kursy koncentruj± siê na: wymowie, gramatyce, rozumieniu oraz czytaniu i pisaniu.


Learn English with the Internet (KC487)
Will teach you how to use the Internet to find and use EFL learning materials.
CentreKing Charles Centre
Starts on 28/04/04
Times17:45 till 18:45
Full fee£15.00, reduced fee: £15.00
Details and bookingClick here for more information

EFL Pronunciation (KC481)
You will practise difficult sounds and work on other areas of pronunciation.
CentreKing Charles Centre
Starts on 29/04/04
Times13:30 till 15:00
Full fee£21.00, reduced fee: £21.00
Details and bookingClick here for more information

CELTA Taster Half Day (KC483)
CentreKing Charles Centre
Starts on 15/05/04
Times12:00 till 15:00
Full fee£10.00, reduced fee: £10.00
Details and bookingClick here for more information

EFL Elementary (KC375)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. In our Summer School you will work on your grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course will also include conversation, games, videos, songs and project work. The emphasis of the course is on communication and helping you feel more confident in English.
CentreKing Charles Centre
Starts on 21/06/04
Times09:30 till 11:30
Full fee£65.00, reduced fee: ask
Details and bookingClick here for more information

EFL Intermediate (KC376)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday.In our Summer School you will work on your grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course will also include conversation, games, videos, songs and project work. The emphasis of the course is on communication and helping you feel more confident in English.
CentreKing Charles Centre
Starts on 21/06/04
Times09:30 till 11:30
Full fee£65.00, reduced fee: ask
Details and bookingClick here for more information

EFL Advanced (KC377)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. In our Summer School you will work on your grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course will also include conversation, games, videos, songs and project work. The emphasis of the course is on communication and helping you feel more confident in English.
CentreKing Charles Centre
Starts on 21/06/04
Times09:30 till 11:30
Full fee£65.00, reduced fee: ask
Details and bookingClick here for more information

EFL Elementary (KC378)
Monday & Wednesday. In our Summer School you will work on your grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course will also include conversation, games, videos, songs and project work. The emphasis of the course is on communication and helping you feel more confident in English.
CentreKing Charles Centre
Starts on 21/06/04
Times19:00 till 21:00
Full fee£33.00, reduced fee: ask
Details and bookingClick here for more information

EFL Intermediate (KC379)
Monday & Wednesday. In our Summer School you will work on your grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course will also include conversation, games, videos, songs and project work. The emphasis of the course is on communication and helping you feel more confident in English.
CentreKing Charles Centre
Starts on 21/06/04
Times19:00 till 21:00
Full fee£33.00, reduced fee: ask
Details and bookingClick here for more information

EFL Advanced (KC380)
Monday & Wednesday. In our Summer School you will work on your grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course will also include conversation, games, videos, songs and project work. The emphasis of the course is on communication and helping you feel more confident in English.
CentreKing Charles Centre
Starts on 21/06/04
Times19:00 till 21:00
Full fee£33.00, reduced fee: ask
Details and bookingClick here for more information

Enjoy living in Kingston (KC381)
Wednesday and Friday (11:45-12:45) for 3 weeks. There is lots to see and do in Kingston and lots to learn about this historical town. On Wednesdays we will go out on a visit. On Fridays we will follow up the visit in the classroom and prepare for the next one.
CentreKing Charles Centre
Starts on 23/06/04
Times10:00 till 13:00
Full fee£35.00, reduced fee: ask
Details and bookingClick here for more information



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- Tanie rozmowy z Anglii do Polski - Tanie rozmowy do Polski - Tanie rozmowy do Polski z telefonów stacjonarnych - Tanie rozmowy do Polski z telefonów komórkowych  - Darmowe rozmowy do Polski  -Zakwaterownie w Londynie dla grup - Free calls to Poland -

Ubezpieczenie - Katalog szkół językowych - Internet w Anglii - Promocje - Najpopularniejsze szkoły w Londynie i Anglii - Szkoły językowe w Anglii -

- Kursy językowe w Anglii - Szkoły na mapach - Mapa strony


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